A composition of color fields that suspends color and light in harmonious balance
Symphony encapsulates the impact of a unified technique expressed in a single hue. Color fields conjoin with painterly brushstrokes in a harmonious balance of color and light, creating a subtle yet magnetic effect rooted in the play of openness and opacity, boldness and restraint.
Printed on hand-pressed metal leaf, a textural brilliance underlies these deceptively uniform colorways. Balancing broad painterly gesture and negative space, the vivid and intuitive brushwork is evocative without overwhelming. As hints of metallic sheen are revealed within matte swaths of brushed paint, an iridescent quality emerges, creating an elevated, elegant design suited as much to day as night.
Like sun on water in the late afternoon or the bronze glow of magic hour, Symphony achieves an ethereal sense of perfectly attuned unison–from certain angles the hues seem almost made of light.